Project: University of New England, Armidale

University of New England, Armidale

Client: University of New England

Value: $1.3m

Completed: 2017

Project Description:


JLE were successful with the contract to upgrade all HV and LV infrastructure for UNE Armidale, the works consisted of HV network upgrades including LV main switchboard upgrades and metering as required.

The works were conducted throughout the pristine grounds located at UNE including in and Around the famous Booloominbah house, a significant Australian heritage item and the grounds within a conservation area JLE were able to undertake significant excavation and remediation works throughout this area with no impact to these items, the process of planning and constant communication with UNE allowed this to happen.

Throughout the project the commissioning of different UNE precincts including complex LV and HV outages for changeover of existing to new these works included significant planning, negotiations with the Energy Authority and constant communication and re planning with UNE working around existing campus students, exams, and functions all the above works were brought together and completed successfully on time within program and on budget. UNE and JLE move on to more projects and a successful respectful working relationship.

UNE have identified JLE’s capabilities in turnkey complex projects and moving forward have worked and continue to work with our company into the future.